We are a bespoke solution to improve the retention of diverse talent within organisations.


Ektaa means unity in the Panjabi language. Ektaa’s primary aim is to create an inclusive environment for all and to improve the representation of underrepresented groups within organisations, thus retaining diverse talent.

We loose diverse talent through leaky pipelines

Unconscious bias in the hiring process

A lack of opportunities for professional development

Lack of diversity and inclusion initiatives within the workplace

Poor work culture - lack of shared values or support in the workplace

Lack of role models

100 %

Organisations with robust ethnic-minority representation in leadership teams are 33 – 36 % more likely to outperform their peers on profitability

100 %

of newly promoted ethnic minority females report receiving support from their direct manager as a key contributor to their success (compared to 55% of white males)

100 %

of ethnic minority females, were more likely to resign compared to their counterparts, despite having the same performance rating

100 %

of senior leaders in the 100 largest UK employers, were homegrown talent. Therefore retention and promotion are key to diversify senior leadership positions

*Data derived from MCKinsey & Company (2023)

An inclusive environment for everyone.

This concept emphasizes the importance of collaboration, communication, and mutual respect among colleagues in order to achieve common goals and objectives.

When employees feel a sense of oneness at work, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to the organization’s mission and values. This can lead to increased productivity, better communication, and a more positive work environment.

We create a bespoke solution tailored to your organisation.

An inclusive workplace culture values diversity, embraces differences, and provides equal and equitable opportunities for all employees to thrive.

We can help you to create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

We are a social enterprise and our mission is to create an inclusive environment for all and fix leaky pipelines from which diverse talent are lost.

We support the growth of diverse talent, in an equitable way, ensuring they are well represented within the organisational hierarchy.

Group 13

Equal representation

Equal representation with respect to equity means that all individuals have an equal opportunity to be represented in decision-making processes and institutions, having accounted for historical or systemic disadvantages they may have faced.

Group 7 4


Inequality (inequity), a lack of diversity, and a lack of inclusion is a recognised problem in the UK higher education sector. This is especially noticeable amongst postgraduate research students. The problems span several characteristics (e.g. gender, age, and disability), but there has been a particular focus recently on ethnicity, race and alma mater (where their previous degree was awarded from).

Ultimately, achieving equity requires a commitment to understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by all.

Dr. Mohani-Preet Kaur Dhillon


“My work to make education more inclusive is gaining external traction”.

Latest Accolades & Press


Alumni funding supports Equal Representation in Academia initiative spearheaded by alumna


Education Excellence Awards


Postgraduate Event: Postgrad Awards 2022 – Winners

The judges highlighted the initiative as “setting a benchmark for other institutions to follow

Let’s Unite.

To inform, educate and implement strategies to improve representation.

Beyond the technical and academic skills, the ERA programme held significant importance for ethnic minorities like myself. The true testament to the programme's effectiveness was being awarded the BHF-funded PhD studentship. The invaluable skills and experiences I gained during my time with ERA undoubtedly played a pivotal role in this achievement.

Rahil Isar

Clinical Pharmacology graduate
I am honoured to have been part of such an invaluable opportunity! This combination of research and application within medicine has reaffirmed my decision to pursue this career.

Sabrin Mohamed

3rd year Biomedical Science student
I never considered a career in academia, until this placement. I really recommend it to everyone. Even medics. It really eases you into the iBsc. I really enjoyed my time doing this.

Lien Salcedo

Intercalated BSc student
The ERA placement was an amazing opportunity to see first hand the incredible amount of effort and work that goes on in research. I came to this placement with very little knowledge about careers in research and came out absolutely amazed.

Javeria Nishtar

3rd year Biomedical Science student
After doing my placement I feel a lot more confident in my skills since I was exposed to several resources and opportunities to aid my personal development. Considering that most of the time I tend to be quite introverted, working one-on-one with my supervisor and her PhD students allowed me to ask more questions freely and gave me more time to go through experiments at my own pace, with further guidance available at any time I needed it..

Giulia Kengne Fotso

1st Year Biomedical Science student
An incredible insight into scientific research, a career that is not talked about enough! The two weeks on this placement have given me valuable time to network, learn and discover the ins and outs of neuroscience, infection and immunity, while witnessing the behind the scenes of cutting-edge research.

Diyana Anthony

1st year Clinical Pharmacology student
The ERA placement has given me a taste of a research career and made me excited to pursue one! The ERA has been an amazing learning experience and I wish there were more programs like this!

Gresilda Asllani

1 year Biomedical Science student
My experience with the ERA studentship has been insightful and stimulating, and equally rewarding.

Somto Muoneke

3rd year Biomedical Science student
This ERA placement has provided me with the opportunity to gain invaluable insight into research and academia which has had a positive influence and impact on the career path I would like to pursue, on completion of my Occupational Therapy BSc. at SGUL.

Maya Caan

Occupational Therapy graduate
Not only can you enhance your professional network and career development, but you do all of this with the knowledge that the ERA initiative supports such an important ethos in addressing the lack of workplace diversity.

Samia Tajbiha

3rd year Biomedical Science student
I was able to build on the knowledge learned at university and witness the practical applications of these concepts. I have also enjoyed being part of a team that advocates for the need for inclusivity and diversity, in research and the workplace.

Lakshmi Pathmanathan

1st year Biomedical Science student
I gained hands on experience of attaching electrodes at standard locations on the patients’ head for EEG recordings according to the international 10-20 System of placement, which was a new technique introduced to me. I also had opportunity to be involved in administering questionnaires to patients and recording non-invasive physiological measures of stress (heart rate variability). Overall, I was thoroughly captivated by the experience.

Ilyas Moosavi

1st year biomedical science student
Applying for the ERA placement was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have always wanted to pursue a career in academia but I had no idea on how to go about it. The placement allowed me to gain insight on the different careers in academia and most importantly how to apply for PhD opportunities.

Rutendo Makuve

Chronic Disease Management MSc
ERA is a great opportunity for someone who is an outsider to the academic world. It's a humbling experience that makes you realize the amount of work needed to get in and survive in the competitive academic world.

Ruchi Wadhwa

Chronic Disease Management MSc

“2Students from ethnic minority backgrounds often express that they cannot find role models from the same background amongst university staff.”

Group 3

“Students from ethnic minority backgrounds often express that they cannot find role models from the same background amongst university staff.”

Group 3